Del Cebador Compuesta Yerba Mate Review (How Does It Taste?)

If you thought this would be just another compuesta yerba mate, you’d be so wrong.

At least I was.

My first time trying this, I couldn’t believe what I was drinking. To me, it wasn’t even yerba mate anymore.


It’s just herbal tea because the herbs in this blend steal the show.

And to some, this just might be what they want. But when you find out what ingredient is the star player here, it may change your mind…


Getting a whiff of this yerba comes with no issues. The slightest shake of the bag or just when you pour it into your gourd, the aroma flies out the bag. Strong anise mixed with grass and hay. A natural sweetness from the yerba comes through as well.


After reviewing Del Cebador Clasica and Sabor Intenso, I hoped for this one to be just as good. And the taste is fine, but it just wasn’t what I was expecting.


Del Cebador Compuesta starts off with a powerful taste of anise. Which to some, I know will put them off immediately. If you don’t like the taste of it, I highly recommend you stay away from this bag of yerba. Unless you want to try and acquire the taste of that too, then this just won’t be for you. The first few refills are all anise. It’s the first thing you taste and it brings a dominant licorice flavor.

But as it dies down, the yerba reveals the inherent earthy, malty Uruguayan taste I’ve come to like with the traditional Del Cebador. Hints of sweet cream, honeysuckle (probably from the chamomile), corn, and a mix of spices (Chinese five-spice) all make a subtle appearance as well. Brewing a little higher (170ºF) though, seems to reduce the anise flavor and make the earthiness more pronounced along with a strong taste of green tea. Overall, the flavor is nice. I prefer the second half more as the mate settles down a little and becomes sweeter.

As for water temperature, this brand tastes good in all temps. I didn’t really find one that stood out as the best. But as always, I prefer brewing between 140-160ºF.


On the finish, like most Uruguayan brands I’ve reviewed, Del Cebador Compuesta doesn’t offer much. A moderate astringency is left behind the more you sip. And with a hint of no other than star anise. But that flavor lasts no more than a few seconds. The rest is just a constricting mouthfeel.


Del Cebador Compuesta is a medium-to-full bodied mate. The first few pours are rich, creamy, and almost like drinking milk. But this quickly dies down into a medium body where it’s a little more watery in texture. Bits of leaves and dust can be felt in the beginning. A dry-mouth astringency can build up around the third to fourth refill. To reduce it, you can always brew at a lower temp.



Del Cebador Compuesta features your classic P.U.1 (padron uruguayao) Uruguayan cut. But being a (compuesta) compound yerba, other ingredients such as lemon verbena, anise, fennel, star anise, chamomile, green tea, and false willow are also included. Although not visible to the eye – it looks like any other Uruguayan yerba – you can definitely taste some of it as I said before.

Similar to the other Del Cebador yerbas, this features fine-cut leaves and barely any stems. I find this one to have a lot more powder though. And I mean, a lot. Just pouring the yerba into my gourd, I have to back up a little. Otherwise, all the dust tickles my nose as I breathe. Preparation-wise, however, it allows for a beautiful mountain of mate. A good spoon bombilla will be needed in order to strain this yerba smoothly.


Del Cebador Compuesta has a long cycle. Even though the strength takes a huge drop after a couple refills, the flavor just never goes away. In a medium-sized gourd like the one shown, this yerba can easily last me more than one liter. It’s almost annoying because when I want to finish it and clean my gourd, I can sense there are more refills to it and I don’t want to waste it. I guess it’s a nice problem to have. Much rather have it like this than the other way around.


Del Cebador Compuesta is not like other yerbas in effect. It’s not a huge difference, but the focus seems weaker to a small degree, and the calming effect is taken up a notch. I assume it’s because of the additional herbs as some of them like chamomile and lemon verbena, both show to help in calming you down.

For me, Del Cebador Compeusta is definitely that yerba you drink when you want to take things easy and slow. Not only because of its actual effect but the flavor as well. This is something for reading, writing, winding down, and just taking it easy.

Del Cebador Compuesta Yerba Mate Review


What I couldn’t stand in the beginning, has slowly grown on me. And as I write this, I’m finishing my last gourd of this bag.

To be honest… I’m going to miss it!

Not that I can’t get another bag, but it will definitely be some time until I do. The taste of this is not something I want all the time.

Unless you enjoy the taste of star anise or are willing to put up with it until it grows on you, Del Cebador Compuesta is not for you.

It took me about a week for me to really get behind this yerba.

It still holds the same Uruguayan strength and body, but the herbs will throw you in for a loop.

If you want to give this a try yourself, click one of the links below to get a bag:

Amazon (US | UK | CA | ES | DE | FR)
Click Here To Get A 1000g / 1kg Bag

PampaDirect (Worldwide)
Click Here To Get A 1000g / 1kg Bag

P.S. If you enjoyed this review, you might want to check out our store for gourds like our REGIO imperial mate pictured in this article!

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