madrugada chimarrao

Madrugada Erva Mate Review (Sweet And Fresh Chimarrao!)

Chimarrao is one of my favorite yerbas to drink.

It’s a nice switch from the typical Argentinian mates.

The only problem is there aren’t many brands to choose from (at least here in the United States).

However, I found one a few weeks ago on Amazon that caught my attention – Madrugada.


Now, I’ve never heard anything about this brand before. And I’ve rarely heard anyone else talk about it either. Whether I should’ve taken that to mean Madrugada is a bad brand, or a hidden gem, I had to find out myself.

And in this Madrugada Erva Mate Review, you’ll discover which it is…


To the nose, Madrugada is like any other chimarrao brand. Notes of fresh cut grass and a hint of sweetness is found. Even when brewed in my gourd, it smells the same as in the bag except warmer of course.


This erva mate tastes exactly how it smells. But it doesn’t taste much different from other chimarrao brands. I’ve reviewed Ximango in the past, and I can barely tell the difference between the two. I still need to try more brands, but as of now, I think all chimarrao tastes exactly alike.


But nonetheless, Madrugada contains components of grass, butter, and an overall earthiness. Drinking this brings up images of walking through the Amazon Rainforest.

The taste is very pleasant and easygoing. No harshness or smokiness. If you’re a beginner looking to get into chimarrao, this is a great choice.


Throughout the entire experience of Madrugada, you get a full blast of fresh grass. From the moment you sip to the moment you swallow, it’s the same all around. You might notice just a tiny hint of cream, but it’s not much.


Madrugada has a light-to-medium body. Not too watery, but not thick either. It’s almost like a light cream or low-fat milk.


Chimarrao tends to have a medium-to-long cycle and that includes Madrugada. I can finish up to one liter (sometimes a little more) in the gourd pictured in this review. Especially when you prepare it correctly and switch the erva to the other half of the gourd.



Madrugada, like any other chimarrao, is mostly composed of a vibrant green dust with leaves and palos sprinkled here and there. Classic Brazilian erva mate.

Preparation can be difficult for beginners. But with time, it gets easy.


Similar to its body and taste, the effect Madrugada gives is nothing crazy.

Although Madrugada literally means early morning, it’s a nice morning, evening, and nighttime drink.

It won’t have you energized, but it will have you calmed and relaxed. It’s something you want to drink when you’re winding down. The caffeine content is nowhere near the amount found in other brands from Argentina, Paraguay, or Uruguay.

This is good news for those sensitive to caffeine, but bad news for those looking to get a kick.

Keep in mind though, I’ve built up a tolerance for caffeine. So these effects might be different for you.

I like to drink Madrugada whenever I’m lounging around and sometimes when I do work.

Madrugada Erva Mate Review


If you’re looking to try chimarrao (or erva mate), you only have a select few to choose from if you’re from the United States like I am.

Madrugada is one of them and is an excellent and safe choice.

Fresh cut grass, light, and sweet.

There’s nothing outstanding, and there’s nothing bad about it. Just a classic, crowd-pleasing mate.

The only thing that might get in the way is preparing it. But if you know how to prepare chimarrao correctly, you shouldn’t have a problem.

If you’re into chimarrao and want to try a classic one,

Amazon (US | UK | CA | ES | DE | FR)
Click Here To Get A 1000g / 1kg Bag

P.S. If you enjoyed this review of Madrugada, you might also want to check out our store for exclusive mate gourds and bombillas.

2 thoughts on “Madrugada Erva Mate Review (Sweet And Fresh Chimarrao!)”

  1. Hi, how are you? I was looking at the Yerba Mate reviews! I’m Brazilian from Rio Grande do Sul and I used to live in the countryside and I’ve always had chimarrao my whole life! And I’m happy to find people who appreciate a good mate! I currently live in Boston and find the best herbs in Brazilian or Latin markets, maybe this will help you find herbs out there!

  2. Renata Andretta Lomando

    Dear Darren,
    I’m Brazilian from Rio Grande do Sul and I am very happy that you are enjoying our chimarrão.
    But I can’t ignore you coment about the Amazon Rainforest. You see, mate doesn’t belong to the rain forest! It doesn’t grow in the tropical area.
    Mate belong to the Pampa biome, located in the southernmost state of Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul. The Brazilian Pampa lies within the South Temperate Zone where grasslands scattered with shrubs and trees are the dominant vegetation. It is a fragile biome that deserves recognition and respect.
    By the way, you should try “Erva Barão Moída Grossa”. It is my favorite.
    Have a nice mate.
    Kind regards,

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