Playadito Yerba Mate Review (How Does It Taste?)

Playadito is a hidden gem among the swarm of more popular Argentine yerba mate brands.

I got myself a pack of Playadito a few weeks ago (along with many other brands if you haven’t noticed my recent mini-storm of yerba mate reviews). And for some reason, I put this last on my list for reviewing which turned out to be a huge mistake…


Playadito is nothing like your typical Argentine mate, and I don’t mean that in a bad way either.

If you’re tired of the same harsh and bitter taste that most brands offer, you don’t want to miss another word of this review because you just stumbled upon one of the most unique mates on the market.

Let’s see what Playadito is all about…


The second I opened up the bag I couldn’t believe what I had my hands on. Playadito releases a pleasantly sweet honey aroma mixed with hay and a light earthiness.


When it comes to taste, Playadito takes a different route from your everyday mate. The smokiness and bitterness is kept to a minimum with this one. Upon your first sip, you’ll get to experience what I consider one of the sweetest brands on the market today. Seriously. Playadito possesses this delectable natural sweetness with hints of honey and sugar. On top of this, there’s also a nice floral and toffee/caramel note while the classic earthy mate taste sits in the background.


I found Playadito to do best in lower water temperatures of around 140ºF (60ºC) to really bring out its sweetness.


Although this mate has a light and sweet taste, it has quite a strong finish. There are no sharp or astringent characteristics, but it does leave an overall bitterness on my palate that I’m not too fond of, especially when it lasts for over a minute.


Playadito is a light-bodied mate. Drinking Playadito is often compared to drinking green tea because of its soft, mild, and smooth mouth-feel… and it’s true. Although still stronger than other teas, it’s a good transition for someone getting into yerba mate. From beginning to end, Playadito is as slick as a whistle.



Playadito features an Argentine cut with barely any dust. The leaves are large, coarsely cut, and takes up a majority of the bag. Some white and brown palos of varying sizes are also sprinkled in here and there. When looking closer, I was also able to find a few seeds. Overall, the cut is fluffy and has a nice tan-green color.

When it comes to preparation, there should be no problems. The leaves and stems are just too big to get sucked up. The only issue you might have is keeping the mountain of mate together. But on the plus side, because of this yerba’s size, it can easily be prepared in a french press, coffee maker, or tea pot (which you typically need a sin palo brand to do).


Playadito features a long cycle. I can drink close to 1 liter before ll of its flavor is gone. Compared to other Argentine brands, this is almost unheard of. Especially when the body of the mate is very light. Luckily, with something as delicious as this, you get to indulge in its range of flavors for a long time.


Like its flavor, Playadito is easy on the stimulation as well.

So if you want a hard hit of energy, this isn’t the brand for you. What it will do, however, is give you a nice relaxed focus and concentration. It’s a mate you drink when you want to unwind or do something that requires little energy like writing, reading a book, or sitting outside.

Playadito Yerba Mate Review


Playadito is what I’d consider a safe brand.

When you don’t know what mate you want to drink that day, you can always rely on a gourd of Playadito to soothe your senses.

Sweet, floral, earthy, and long-lasting, it’s a mate you can enjoy on any occasion.

The light texture also makes it easy to drink which is great for beginners. It’s not as smokey or bitter either.

For more experienced mate drinkers though, you might find Playadito a bit weak. If you’re looking for a bold strong mate, this isn’t it. But it’s still worth trying for its unique flavor profile.

If you want to try Playadito Con Palo for yourself, visit one of the links below now!

Amazon (US | UK | CA | ES | DE | FR)
Click Here To Get A 500g / 1.1lb Bag
Click Here To Get A 1000g / 1kg Bag

PampaDirect (Worldwide)
Click Here To Get A 500g / 1.1lb Bag
Click Here To Get A 1000g / 1kg Bag

Un-Mate (Europe – 10% OFF Order)
Click Here To Get A 500g or 1000g Bag

P.S. If you enjoyed this review, you might also want to check out our store for more yerba mate items.

10 thoughts on “Playadito Yerba Mate Review (How Does It Taste?)”

  1. Hi,
    I am drinking now Yerba mate Playadito, I love the taste and everything about this brand since I read the excellent review in your blog.

    I always look for very low caffeine Yerba Mate, caffeine is really bad for my health, unfortunately my body cannot tolerate it.

    A quick question, which are the brands low in caffeine, I am looking for one that can have a stronger taste or body than Playadito, any suggestions.

    Thank for your great website.

  2. Definitely one of my favorite yerbas of the last 40 years, lol. Deliciously juicy with a great balance, very satisfying and easy on the tummy, especially if you’re drinking this on an empty stomach e.g. during intermittent fasting.
    5/5? in my book

    1. Hey Zach,

      !60 degrees is fine. Anything around 180 and above is typically too hot.


  3. Spot on description of its aroma! Honey was the first thing that came into mind when trying it for the first time. Now I know that I can trust your taste and aroma descriptions in your other reviews!

  4. When I was in Argentina, this was the brand everyone I spoke to raved about, along with Union.

    I love it.

  5. Hey Darren I have been looking at getting my first bag of mate to try would you record this bag of mate to a first time mate drinker ?

  6. HelloMyNameIsEli

    I came back to this one in an old gourd I used and it tastes way better in this gourd than my other one!

    Love the Argentinian cut on this one, very bold and sweet

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