If you’re looking for a classic and simple mate, go with this brand right here – Taragui.
In Argentina, you can find everyone drinking this.
It’s one of (if not, the) most popular brand there.
Making its way into the United States market, it has become a staple here as well.
If you want to know what all the hype is about, then keep reading because you’re about to find out how it tastes, how long it lasts, its effects, and much more.
So sit tight, and let’s dive into this bag of Taragui…
Opening a bag of Taragui takes your senses for a ride. Taking a whiff, notes of lemons, limes, and whole wheat bread are present. Very bright, familiar, and nothing smoky. Plain and simple.
Taragui is straightforward. Each sip contains a dominant earthy/soil overtone with subtler notes of citrus and tobacco. A light smokiness is noticeable in the background but never gets too strong. It’s not a harsh smokiness either that’ll make you wince. It’s smooth and just waves hello in the background. Notes of toasted bread also pop up here and there.
As I keep drinking though, I can’t help but notice this ‘awkward’ note hiding behind each sip. It almost feels like I’m chewing on rubber bands. As bad as that sounds, it’s not disgusting or anything, but it just doesn’t sit right with the rest of the notes. Aside from this though, overall, Taragui is enjoyable if you just want a simple mate. It’s not complex by any means.
I found a water temperature of around 155-165ºF (66-71ºC) tastes the best. Any hotter, and Taragui starts tasting extremely bitter and almost like nothing.
After swallowing, a bitterness is left behind accompanied by hints of lemon and butter. The finish is short and snappy, and gone within 30 seconds. However, it does leave an astringent sensation in your mouth that doesn’t go away unless you drink some water.
Taragui is a light-to-medium-bodied mate. Although strong in flavor, it lacks weight on the palate. The first few gourdfuls have a slightly grainy texture. But it’s quickly washed out and turns into a mostly watery mate.
Unfortunately, Taragui has a short cycle. With a medium-sized gourd, I can only drink around 1/2 of a liter. The strength of the flavor also dies down quickly just after around 3-4 refills which is unfortunate.
Taragui features a traditional Argentine cut. Overall, the leaves are medium-to-broadly cut and have a nice olive green color to them. Lots of giant white palos fill the bag as well. And in regards to dust, there’s an average amount.
Preparing Taragui shouldn’t cause any issues. The dust helps hold the mountain of mate well and the larger particles allow you to easily filter it with any bombilla.
Though lacking in complexity and duration, Taragui makes up for it in effect.
This is usually the mate I reach for when I’m looking for a good energy boost. If you ever woke up in the morning and didn’t want to start your day, Taragui will change that for you. The second I drink this in the morning, I instantly become a lot more focused and alert. It’s almost as if the mate is coursing through my body, waking up every cell.
With this mate’s strong energizing effect, it’s best consumed in the morning. Be careful drinking this any time later.
Taragui Yerba Mate Review
Taragui isn’t like other brands.
It’s simple and basic in taste, but it sure gets the job done.
If you want something to wake you up in the morning or to get your body moving, you won’t be disappointed when you try Taragui.
However, as popular as this mate is in Argentina, I personally wouldn’t drink it every day – only when I need that extra kick.
Whether a beginner or longtime drinker, Taragui is a must-try.
Visit one of the links below now to give it a taste!
Amazon (US | UK | CA | ES | DE | FR)
Click Here To Get A 500g / 1.1lb Bag
Click Here To Get A 1000g / 1kg Bag
PampaDirect (Worldwide)
Click Here To Get A 500g / 1.1lb Bag
Click Here To Get A 1000g / 1kg Bag
Un-Mate (Europe – 10% OFF Order)
Click Here To Get A 500g or 1000g Bag
P.S. If you enjoyed this Taragui review, you might also want to check out our store because you’ll find one-of-a-kind items.
Excellent Review – I will be purchasing Taragui !
I live in Durham, U.K. and have been drinking Yerba Matè for around 4 years now and I love your in-depth analysis of various Yerba Matè products ! They have led myself to purchase numerous Matè products.
Many Thanks for your good work.
PS ….. I’m still waiting to meet anybody that drinks Yerba Mate here in the UK ! ?
Best Wishes
John Morgan
Hey John,
Appreciate the kind words! Let me know how you like Taragui.
Darren, This review of Taragui is very helpful
Your accurate descriptions and honest enthusiasm are greatly appreciated
All the Best from
Ari Lehman & FIRST JASON Band
Hi Ari,
Thanks for your feedback! Glad I could be of help.
Greetings! I never knew Yerba Mate existed until I moved to Chile. I was first introduced to it by some friends at a hostel. Since my return to the states, I have always purchased the Taragüi brand. With the research and honest reviews, I’ll have to start branching out, so to speak.
I’m really glad I found your website!
Hey Sean,
Thanks for sharing and glad you’re enjoying the reviews! Once you feel the effects of yerba mate, you’ll never go back.
Greetings from Russia. Canarias is the best mate brand.
Debo admitir que esta yerba se volvió mi favorita, podría ser por esas notas de pan tostado que tiene, además debo decir que después de tomarlo y hacer deporte siento mi cuerpo purificado, hasta mi sudor tiene buen sabor.
Tengo la piel del rostro grasa y después de unos días de tomar esta yerba noté mi piel menos grasa y muy suave. 🙂
No me gustan mucho los mates dulzones, ya que tomo té negro y verde, así que hasta el momento esta es la yerba argentina que más me gusta.
Pronto pediré unos kilitos de Canarias y comentaré en su post que tal me pareció.
Muchas gracias por las reviews, muy atinados en cada tema.
Saludos desde Lima-Perú,
The reviewer obviously isn’t big on this brand but to each their own. More and more I find this brand to be my go-to. Its just a great all-rounder which is probably why its so popular in Argentina.
Canarias is definitely more complex and a richer mate. I like it too occasionally but kind of have to be in the mood for it. The great thing about Taragui is it it the simple no fuss easy drinking mate you grab without thinking much about it. Canarias would be like the high end coffee shop Americana with an extra shot of espresso and Taragui the morning blend you drink daily when you first wake up.