Taragui Yerba Mate Set Review: Start Drinking Mate INSTANTLY

A common problem (new) mate drinkers have is not knowing which gourd, bombilla, or yerba mate to buy next.

There’s so many. So what they tend to do is not buy anything. In fact, there’s a scientific term for this called analysis paralysis.

This is when you over-analyze things to the point you take no action. Or in this case, you compare so many different gourds and yerba mates that you don’t buy any.

And don’t worry, you’re not the only one who does this. There wouldn’t be a term for it if that were true.

The reason I’m mentioning all this is because I found an easy solution to combat this problem.

And that’s to buy a yerba mate set.

There are many companies and brands that sell these, but the one you’ll see below is the Taragui Yerba Mate set.

I found this randomly while scrolling through Amazon and I had to get it. It gives you everything you need for a low price. It was definitely a great deal. And it might be for you too.

So read on to find out…

Why Buy a Yerba Mate Set/Kit?

taraguiTaragui Yerba Mate Set

When it comes to yerba mate sets, or any kind of set or kit, I know some people like to stay away from them.

I’m not sure why, but I’m guessing it’s because they look kiddy or childish. Any kind of starter kit usually reminds me of the toys you’d buy for little ones.

It’s a silly assumption, but that’s what made me hesitate a bit from buying this yerba mate kit.

Another thing about sets/kits is since they’re targeted for starters, it’s assumed you’re getting a lower quality product. Because if this is for starters, then what’s for the advanced?

But this is far from the truth in regards to yerba mate sets (at least for this one).

Yerba mate sets save you time and money.

When you order, you get everything you need in one package, shipped together right to your doorstep. That way, everything arrives at the same time, and you can start drinking your mate immediately (especially with this one, which I’ll explain why later).

If you were to buy a gourd, bombilla, and yerba mate individually, that might not be possible.

Also, if you were to buy them separately, you’ll be pulling a lot more money out of your wallet. But with a yerba mate set, you’re paying a discounted price.

Now that you understand how valuable these sets really are, here’s what you can expect with this Taragui Yerba Mate set…

What’s In A Taragui Yerba Mate Set?

When you order your Taragui set, you’ll receive a gourd, bombilla, and a pack of yerba mate.


taraguiGlass and leather gourd

The gourd that comes with this set, is a fantastic one.

Here’s why…

The gourd is made out of glass, wrapped in leather, with a metal rim.

This allows you to start making mate immediately. If it was a calabash gourd, you’ll need to wait about another day before using it because you need to cure it. A glass gourd, however, doesn’t need to be cured.

taraguiEasy to clean

Glass gourds are also super easy to clean. When you finish drinking from it, all you need to do is dump out the yerba, rinse it with water, and wipe it dry. Then you can start using it again.

Now you might be thinking, why is it wrapped in leather?

Because without it, the glass can be too hot to hold. The leather prevents this from happening. I know it looks a bit tacky because of the Taragui imprint, but let me tell you…

Taragui did an awesome job with this leather. It’s super soft, gives you better grip, and is wrapped around nicely.

The size and shape of this gourd is great as well. It’s about 4 inches tall, and fits securely in your hand because of its hourglass-type shape.


taraguiSpoon-like bombilla

As much as I love the gourd, I’m not a fan of the bombilla (our silicone-capped bombilla is better)

The bombilla works, but you can’t take off the end which makes it hard to clean.

It’s shape is somewhat like a spoon bombilla, which I prefer. But it’s thicker.

In regards to how it filters, it’s not bad. Sometimes the first few sips I’ll get a few leaves, but after that it draws smoothly.

It’s definitely not the best bombilla in the world, but it’ll do.

Yerba Mate

taraguiTaragui Yerba Mate Con Palo

Now onto the most important part, the mate itself.

I won’t go into too much detail because I already wrote a review on it which you can read here.

But the mate you’ll be getting with this set is Taragui’s Yerba Mate, which includes stems, leaves, and dust.

The taste is super strong and harsh. It’s bitter, smoky, and earthy.

I personally don’t like the taste that much. But this happens to be a very popular brand among the Argentines.

However, what I do love about this mate are the effects you get from it.

This mate will give you all the energy you need to last you the entire day. You’ll find that your mood, focus, and overall functioning is greatly improved. Plus, you won’t end with a crash.

How Much Will You Save With Taragui’s Yerba Mate Set?

Like I said earlier, with yerba mate sets, you’ll save a good amount of money.

Taragui sells their yerba mate, gourd and bombilla separately.

If you were to buy a pack of the same Taragui Yerba Mate by itself  (as of right now) it’ll cost $15.00. And the gourd and bombilla by itself, will cost $32.00. Together, that’s $47.00.

Do you know how much you spend (as of right now) when you buy the entire set?

$28 with FREE shipping!

You save $19 when you buy this set. That lets you buy two extra packs of yerba mate!

But here’s the thing…

Taragui Yerba Mate Set
Sells Out FAST

Which shouldn’t be a surprise since it’s such a steal.

However, they do restock here and there. So you’ll have to keep checking.


The price of this entire Taragui set is cheaper than buying some gourds by themselves. It’s also cheaper than other yerba mate sets.

So don’t waste anymore time!

This set sells out fast, and you might miss your chance and have to wait until they’re back in stock.

P.S. Click here to get your Taragui Yerba Mate Set (gourd, bombilla, and yerba mate) right now because you can save $19 and try different yerba mate brands.

P.P.S. If you enjoyed this article, you might also want to check out our store for better gourds and bombillas.

3 thoughts on “Taragui Yerba Mate Set Review: Start Drinking Mate INSTANTLY”

  1. Actually, the bombilla filter is removable.
    You have to unscrew it.

    BTW, I bought this set and it’s great.
    Not a professional one, but who cares.
    It’s cheap, easy to use and durable. I recommend it.

  2. Fernando Cabral

    hey, man.
    Loved your review. I live in Brazil, but I prefer the Argentinian Mate. when I was in Buenos Aires last year I bought a glass gourd just like yours, but it was brown, not red. I loved it because it was small and easy to clean. Too bad you can’t find one of those in Brazil, because it fell and cracked 2 months ago… A friend of mine from Buenos Aires just sent me a Gourd that I think you should look up. It’s called Mate Sonico, by Mate Urbano. It’s made of hard plastic and it’s super easy to clean because of that and because of it’s special bombilla. Not only is it made of steel, it’s made to remove most of the mate with it when you pull it up. Seriously, check it out

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